Keepspace Admin

Warehouse admins use the admin panel to monitor and manage everyday operations at the fulfilment warehouse. The admin application was not able to accomodate the increasing growth in operations. The application was unorganised, had poor web flows and was difficult to understand and use. It needed added functionalities and improvisations in the existing functions to be able to run warehouse operations smoothly and increase productivity.
Redesign the admin panel to improve the warehouse admin's experience while monitoring everyday warehouse operations.
A well-designed admin panel that helps smoother warehouse operations.
Functionalities are accessible and easily found
Data is well presented and actionable
Structured navigation
Friendly user interface
User Research, UX Design
Rapid prototyping, Interviews, Surveys, Card sorting, Usability testing
Adobe XD, Overflow, Zeplin
To understand user attitudes in warehouse operations.
To understand the current processes in the fulfilment warehouse.
To evaluate the existing interface for improvements.
Talking to the users
I interviewed warehouse admins and operators to understand the frustrations and needs of the users, . This helped in a better understanding of how the warehouse operators are currently using the application, what are the major operations and what is the value expected from the application.
Secondary research
Being totally new to the e-commerce operations business, I started going through the company’s policies and process to understand how operations are carried out in a warehouse setting.
Evaluative research
Visually, I noticed that there was a lack of focus, lack of hierarchy in the information presented and the application was failing most usability heuristics.
The redesign process
The web app had a lot of functionalities and a huge amount of data presented. I started off with sorting sessions to decide on the structure and navigation of the app.
Card Sorting
I conducted a card sorting session with the team at the warehouse to figure out how to organize the data, what should be added and what should be removed. Given the array of categories, I conducted an open sort.

A sample card sort from one of the participants
User feedback on the tree structure
With the data collected from the card sorting sessions, I created a sample tree structure for presenting information. I presented this to users and obtained feedback to arrive at the information architecture for the app.
Redesigning- One at a time
Given the volume of data and the number of pages, we had to approach redesign one module at a time. For every module, we followed an iterative approach with quick sketches, rapid prototyping and user feedback.

I also sent out a survey to understand what features they would like to see, what are their likes and dislikes about the application.
Rapid prototyping
For each module, I came up with ideas and made quick sketches of the same. I then did rapid prototyping of the screens involved.

User feedback
The prototypes were presented every week to users to obtain feedback. At the end of every presentation, users were presented with a survey where they were asked how they felt, what are their like and dislikes and what other functionalities they would like to see.
Prototype iterations

Moving Forward
The admin app was well received by the users. However, there are still improvements that can be made. The data presented can be organized even more and automated user data collection methods can be used to constantly improve the experience. The dashboard can be made customizable for every user based on what they want to see. Customer support experience can be improved based on client data. A combination of consistent user research and business trend analysis can be used to make improvements to the app.